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Waterlily pond fabric dragonflies linen

Waterlily  pond fabric dragonflies linen click image to enlarge
    Regular Price: $40.25

    Price: $40.25

    25 available for immediate delivery

    25 available for immediate delivery

    Sold by: the yard ( 36" )

    25 available for immediate delivery

    Sold by: the yard ( 36" )

    Scale of item: The large green lily pad is about 8 1/2" ( 20.955 cm. ) across.

    Selvedge to selvedge: 56 1/2"

    This is: cotton/linen

    This fabric has: been woven with a slub.

    Pattern Repeat: vertical = 24 3/4"

    Waterlily pond fabric dragonflies linen
    A waterlily pond fabric. This is lovely!

    Dragonflies fly over across a pond filled with waterlily pads and flowers. Here and there is an arrowhead flower spike, and small pads are shown in the open water spaces. 

    Colors are shades of aqua, blue, and teal,with yellow lime green, purple, and violet. Details are black. Colors are tonal, and have been over-printed so many colors are seen. From a distance the effect is of purple, violet, and blue flowers, with white and teal, leaves of teal, blue, aqua, and avodaco with smaller ones of light yellow green. The water is a tonal, pastel, dusty blue. 

    This fabric is 56 1/2" wide. The large green lily pad is about 8 1/2" ( 20.955 cm. ) across. This is a heavy mid-weight home decorating fabric. It has been woven with a slub for added texture and interest. It does have some drape. It is perfect for curtains, cushions, upholstery, etc. 

    This is sold by the yard ( 36" ). 
